


 来年のCONFINTEA本会議、および、今年の秋に世界各地域で行われる地域準備会議に向け、各国で成人教育の現状に関する「ナショナル・レポート(National Reports on the Development and State of the Art of Adult Learning and Education in Preparation of CONFINTEA VI)」が作成されています。
 このナショナル・レポートはCONFINTEAの会議や報告書の基礎的資料となるもので、各国のユネスコ国内委員会が作成を担当し、ユネスコ生涯学習研究所(UIL=UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning、旧UIE=UNESCO Institute for Education)に提出することになっています。




  CONFINTEA VIにむけたナショナル・レポート作成のプロセスに関する要望


日本ユネスコ国内委員会 御中

拝啓 時下ご清祥のことと存じます。
 貴委員会では現在、4月30日の締切に向け、CONFINTEA VIのためのナショナル・レポートの準備を進めていらっしゃることと思います。
                                        敬 具
日本社会教育学会 常任理事会

6th International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI):National Report on the Development and State of the Art of Adult Learning and Education(ALE)の「イントロダクション」より抜粋

7. Given the dispersed nature of adult learning and education, consistent and comparable data of good quality are often lacking. An assessment of the overall situation, therefore, requires information and data from a range of different sources. When preparing your national reports, please take into account the full variety of sources in your country and form a concerted effort of governmental (including ministries of education, labour, health, agriculture, gender, culture, sports and leisure, social welfare, finance and economy, and foreign affairs), 
non-governmental, public and private actors, trade unions, social partners and bilateral and multilateral development agencies. 

8. It is important to use this exercise to create a national dialogue involving all stakeholders (various ministries providing adult education, corporate and unions, NGOs and Civil Society Organizations, private providers, UN agencies, bilateral and 
multilateral development agencies etc.). We thus strongly encourage you to do this with the help of a national committee with representatives of all stakeholders, and have the findings validated through a national conference. 



"CONFINTEA VI National Reports: date for submission extended by one month"

The National Reports on the Development and State of the Art of Adult Learning and Education in Preparation of CONFINTEA VI will help to draw an accurate picture of the complex realities of adult learning and education and identify key issues and messages to be drawn to the attention of the International Conference.

In a message sent out to all National Commissions for UNESCO, the Director of UIL reiterated the invitation to Member States to use the preparation of national reports to create a national dialogue involving a wide range of stakeholders, including NGOs/CSOs, corporate institutions and the private sector. He underlined that this process should be steered by a representative working group or committee, and a national workshop or conference should be held to validate the findings.

In response to requests from a number of National Commissions asking for sufficient time to engage in the activities underlined above, e.g. holding a national workshop, the date for submission of the reports was extended to the end of April 2008.

