The Japan Society for the Study of Adu
lt and Community Education was founded in 1954. As of April 2003, it has 920 members who are pursuing individual or joint research projects.The Society's goal is to objectively and scientifically clarify principles of adult, continuing and community education including youth education and to create a rational academic foundation for work in this field.
It belongs to the Science Council of Japan but acts independently. As a member of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), the Society tries to maintain international communication with overseas researchers and research organizations.
Members are academic researchers, professors at universities and institutes, postgraduates, and leaders of adult, continuing and community education.
Ojectives & ActivitiesThe objectives of the society is to promote its members' cooperation on studies of adult, continuing and community education, to disseminate the result of these studies, and to ensure the practical application of expertise in this field by:
Promoting research or co-operative studies by its members.
Issuing academic bulletins or other publications and promulgating and recommending research concerning adult, continuing and community education.
Holding general academic conferences and study meetings.
Investigating adult, continuing and community education and producing research papers concerning it.
Contacting other domestic and foreign adult education societies.
Conducting other related activities concerning adult education.
In order to attain these objectives, the Society carries out the following activities:
An annual conference
Small scale meetings conducted in June every year a teach of its regional chapters
Promotion of regional study programmes for joint research projects

The Society publishes the Annual Report; Studies in Adult and Community Education, the Bulletin, the Newsletter, and the other research publications.
The Annual Report; Studies in Adult and Community Education, covers issues and problems addressed in joint research project during the previous year.
The Bulletin contains articles contributed by members.
The Newsletter is published four times a year and it includes a variety of information about the Society.
The criteria for membership shall be a sincere agreement with the aims of the Society and the desire to engage in research on adult education. The membership fee shall be 9,000 yen per year.
Inquiries & application for admission should be addressed to:
The Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education
EnvironmentalEducation-lab. (c/o Prof. Yukihiko Asaoka), Department of Agriculture, TokyoUniversity of Agriculture and Technology,
3-5-8Saiwai-cho, Fuchu-shi, 183-8509 , Tokyo, Japan